Dummy-compliant CD copying on Ubuntu?

Martin Schmitt mas at scsy.de
Thu Jan 13 09:56:24 UTC 2005

Oliver Grawert schrieb:

> if your device is detected as ATA or ATAPI:x.x.x and you have problems
> with graveman, try to change the device in the config file
> ~/.graveman/graveman.conf to the real device node name, i.e. if your
> writers device node is /dev/hdb (as it is the case on the imac this
> program was tested) make the dev= line in this file look like this:
> dev=/dev/hdb
> (also make sure there is only one writer device in the config file)
> ubuntus cdrecord seems more happy with that.

Sorry for replying late, but I can't quite figure out what to do to make
graveman detect my CD drive. I have "dev=/dev/hdc" in
.graveman/graveman.conf, but graveman still issues lots of errors
regarding /dev/hda and detects nothing.

I copy CDs on the command line (cdrecord dev=ATAPI:/dev/hdc does work),
so I usually don't bother if a GUI program doesn't behave the way it
should. However, I'm looking for something to use for somebody else, and
graveman looks just like the really simple GUI that I was looking for.

Do you have any other hints on how to make it work?

Thanks in advance,


| Martin Schmitt          | Schmitt Systemberatung |
| http://www.scsy.de/~mas | http://www.scsy.de     |
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