This Mailinglist - another vote for sanity

CB ubuntu-users at
Thu Jan 13 00:53:11 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 01:39 +0100, Markus Kolb wrote:

> In case youu didn't get it after all these mails with the topic:
> This list will never set a reply-to because it is not the purpose of the
> reply-to field.

So 'community' means nothing when a technocratic elite is in charge. As

> Instead of writing here such stupid wishes you should better create
> wish-reports in bugzilla of Mozilla and Thunderbird or of whatever MUA
> you use.

Ah, another person who can't resist abuse when people don't tug the
forelock appropriately. Really, some of you computer types are not fit
to be let out in public. 

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