Lost vi/vim
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Jan 12 17:52:31 UTC 2005
Note: here's a workaround for those who want to install kvim as an
embedded text editor for KDE apps. Just build it from source yourself
the old fashioned way:
- get source code (full source package) from
- install the following packages:
kvim (req. by vimpart - why!?)
- Fix diversion issue w/ kvim package:
$ sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/bin/vim
- unpack the kvim source package and cd into its src/ dir
- build kvim
$ ./configure --enable-gui=kde --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3/
--with-qt-libs=/usr/lib/qt3 --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3
--with-kde-includes=/usr/include/kde --with-vim-name=kvim
$ make
$ sudo make install
- Open KDE control center
- Under KDE Components > Component Chooser select "Embedded Vim
- Under KDE Components > Vim Component Configuration, in the Vim
Executable Selection, enter "/usr/bin/kvim" and click on the "test"
button. Hit "apply" or "ok".
You should have a console based vim at /usr/bin/vim and a KDE-based vim
at /usr/bin/kvim (which will be embedded in any text editor aware KDE
apps) when all is said and done.
bham Wrote:
> sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/bin/vim
> Will remove the diversion..
> ... I know kvim is in universe but ... When is it going to be fixed?
> I'm trying to embed ViM inside KDevelop and its not going so well. To
> use ViM as an embedded KDE text editor component, I have to install
> 'vimpart' which relies on some form of ViM with a GUI (kvim, gvim).
> KDE recommends kvim so I tried to install kvim. The issues with the
> kvim package seem to be:
> - It doesn't actually provide a /usr/bin/vim
> - It diverts the existing /usr/bin/vim to /usr/bin/vim.org
> How come the kvim package it doesn't provide a usable /usr/bin/vim?
> As an alternative, I tried installing 'vim-gtk' and 'vimpart' ...
> KDevelop doesn't embed vim-gtk correctly. The ViM window just shows up
> external to KDevelop. Thus, I'd like kvim to work :-)
> Any help appreciated.
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