Editing hdparm.conf

Andrew Yam a.yam.net at myrealbox.com
Wed Jan 12 13:20:22 UTC 2005

I wanted to edit hdparm.conf so that it reflects this command
hdparm -d1 -u1 -m16 -c3 -X68 /dev/hdX

I've read the samples in hdparm.conf and checked some info on different 
webapges. One Deb distro said to add command_line { ... }  but that did 
not work. There was another post a while back that showed how you can 
enable dma by editing hdparm.conf

My dma is on atm from my test of hdparm /dev/hdX however when I start 
Ubuntu my  does not pick up my hdb as UDMA-66. My BIOS picks up the  
harddrive as UDMA-66

hda: 80293248 sectors (41110 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63, UDMA(66)
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 p2 < p5 >
hdb: max request size: 128KiB
hdb: 12594960 sectors (6448 MB) w/418KiB Cache, CHS=13328/15/63, UDMA(33)
 /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0: p1 p2

After passing the command:
hdparm -d1 -u1 -m16 -c3 -X68 /dev/hdb

and doing a "speed" comparison of before and after  with hdparm -tT I 
didnt notice much higher rates so maybe this is not worth my trouble. As 
I said dma is on by default

Any help would be great... Cheers!

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