Lexmark Printer - Z715

Lawrence MacIntyre macintyrelp at ornl.gov
Mon Jan 10 21:17:09 UTC 2005

It's actually pretty easy with cups.  Get the windows "drivers" from the
lexmark website and unzip that file.  Inside it you will find set
printer description files (*.ppd).  Figure out which one is for your
printer (by reading the name or the comments inside) and give it to the
add-printer wizard (Computer -> System Configuration -> Printing -> New
Printer) and when you get to Step 2 (Printer Driver), click Install
Driver and use the Browse button to select the .ppd file.

On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 16:31 +0000, Baza wrote:
> On 10/1/05 8:01 am, "Ed Fletcher" <ed at fletcher.ca> wrote:
> > Hi All:
> > 
> > I installed Ubuntu Warty on a friends computer tonight.  Went through
> > the whole install and the last thing I did was to set up the printer.
> > And, as luck would have it, there are no linux drivers for it.  The
> > printer is a Lexmark Z715 USB colour inkjet printer.  I checked the
> > Lexmark site.  No linux drivers for that model.  Tried faking it by
> > selecting different Lexmark models in the printer configuration but none
> > of them worked.
> > 
> > Anyone know of a possible solution?  She needs to be able to print and
> > she is not about to buy a new printer.
> > 
> > I know that Lexmark isn't supported well under Linux but that's what
> > she's got so I either come up with a way for her to print to it or leave
> > her using WinXP Home.  :-(
> > 
> > Ed
> Hi, it's a total nightmare trying to get Lexmark printers running under any
> flavour of Linux. In the end I gave up an got a £50 HP Deskjet from PC
> World, and that was working out of the box.
> I know that's not much help, but you can spend weeks trying to get a Lexmark
> working; life's too short :)
> Baza
Lawrence MacIntyre     865.574.8696     macintyrelp at ornl.gov
               Oak Ridge National Laboratory
High Performance Information Infrastructure Technology Group
               AKO: lawrence.macintyre at us.army.mil
           SIPRNet: macintyrelp at ornl.doe.sgov.gov

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