Broken Application Menus in Hoary? Lyx broken?

ale ulist at
Mon Jan 10 09:19:53 UTC 2005

i noticed something: Python 2.3 is still installed on my system and
quite a few apps still use it - Blender, Scribus, Kig - removing it
would uninstall them.

the problem with LyX and others that got removed is the generic
"python" package, which is a dependency package. maybe compiling LyX
(and others) to depend on specific versions of Python and not the
generic one (which always points to the newest version) would fix
future python updates.

LyX is also a big favorite of mine, would love to see it in main! one
could still use texmacs for but that's slow with big documents and
ain't that pretty.. [-X 

just my suggestions, i'm sorry i'm not "apt" enough to fix this and
help you Ubuntu maintainers!


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