
Simon Burke simon.burke at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 09:07:49 UTC 2005

On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 08:49:49 +0000, david <nux at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 08:32, Bo Rosen wrote:
> > I have tried a dual boot Windows ME and Ubuntu set up for a while on an
> > old computer, but it isn't practical. I want to remove Ubuntu and only run
> > win ME.
> > Any suggestions for the best way to get rid of grub? Will booting windows
> > and running fdisk /mbr be enough?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >       Bo
> >
> Not sure about doing it that way, but boot into windows and create a
> boot disk (Add/Remove Programs/Create BootDisk) and then boot from that
> and do fdisk /mbr will definitely sort it.
> David

Microsofts own suggestion is to:
If Linux Is Not Still Installed

NOTE: The following procedure is not supported by Microsoft and is
performed strictly at the discretion of the user. Microsoft assumes no
liability for lost or corrupted data. This procedure should be
performed only as a last resort.

IMPORTANT: Running fdisk /mbr removes the disk signature from the MBR.
If the drive is a member of a Windows fault tolerance set, the drive
is no longer recognized as a member of that set.
1.	Boot to MS-DOS, and then type the following:
fdisk /mbr
2.	Restart your computer. 
So yeah make a boot floppy then fdisk /mbr

Theres no place like ::1


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