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Sean Miller
sean at
Sat Jan 8 07:19:34 UTC 2005
Doubletwist wrote:
> Everyone has been contacted about it, and there have been many and
> long threads on the issue. I don't particularly agree with the
> decision, although they do have a few good points regarding why it
> shouldn't be done.
Eric Dunbar wrote:
>I'll second that. Reply-to-sender as default is big PITA.
I think it says a lot that there have been so many discussions on this
subject, most in favour of *change*, yet nothing changes.
It also says a lot that I have *never* seen this discussion even occur
on "reply to list" setups; not in years of using said. Could this, by
any chance, be because on "reply to list" setups everybody is generally
happy, whereas on "reply to sender" lists there are generally folks who
find it difficult to remember to mess around with the "to:" when
replying, and others who get annoyed because threads just disappear,
when the person who finally solves the problem forgets to do the
aforementioned "tweaking" in order to ensure the list gets to see their
I would like to see a poll carried out, and I would like to see the
wishes of the majority being implemented; whatever the "list owner"'s
own vote happens to be... I hate the term "list owner", btw, for
community... "list facilitator" is better... in a community forum there
should be no "owner".
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