This Mailinglist

Sean Miller sean at
Fri Jan 7 22:42:09 UTC 2005

kloschi at wrote:

> As I encoutered this at least twice, I'd like
> to request a change in that:
> This list has not a default reply-to list set.
> That very unusual to me.
> If it is because of decission, I'd like to know
> why. If not, could someone please change?

it's very unusual to everybody, kloschi, except the "mailing list mafia" 
who invent statistics to suggest that all mailing lists are so...

...right thinking people are quite aware that 95% of lists are "reply to 
list", but these misguided folks suggest alternative statistics that say 
that *all* lists are "reply to sender".

it is a lost cause -- in the meantime we're all berated for not using 
"ximian evolution" which has, because it is presumably written by folks 
that are similarly deluded, a button entitled "reply to mailing list"... 
so, consequently, right cannot prevail because we all have to succomb to 
the Novell conspiracy and change our perfectly good e-mail clients to 
keep these strange folks happy.

i've been there before -- in the meantime we just have to put up with it.

this is not community -- if it were community the majority would be 
asked for their opinion. as it is, everytime i ask it is a "done 
deal"... and I am pointed at the "archives" (where you will, incidently, 
find yet more upset people asking for "reply to list")

but they will not listen!


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