Recommended way to deal with locally-compiled apps

CB ubuntu-users at
Fri Jan 7 09:57:24 UTC 2005

Oliver Grawert wrote:

> when i started with debian based systems i found deb-make [1] a very
> helpful tool.... you run it in the source tree of your unpacked tar.gz,
> it creates a debian directory edit debian/changelog,
> debian/control and run "fakeroot debian/rules binary" in the head of the
> source tree, which builds a .deb package in the dir above...
> install it with dpkg -i and let apt care for the rest ;)
> (it surely isnt producing a real clean debian package this way, but at
> least you got the benefits of the package system for your selfcompiled
> software and its quite easy)
> ciao
>     oli
> [1] install the packages: debmake and fakeroot for that
I'll have a play with that idea. Very helpful, thanks.

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