Gnome SSH

David Miller justdave at
Fri Jan 7 01:39:25 UTC 2005

kloschi at wrote:
> I asked that before, but it got lost in the thread ; )
> Prblem is that nautilus ssh doesn't workfor me.
> As example. I do:
>     a) Computer -> Home Directory
>     b) File -> Connect to server
>     c) Choose ssh, type ip, type username -> Connect
>     --> an ssh-folder-icon with the ip address as name appears on the 
> Desktop
>     d) clicking on that gives me a popup which says "Opening IP. You can
>     abort that Action by pressing Cancel." (I freely translated that from
>     the German popup ; ) ) this message lasts there forever and I never get
>     connected to the remote machine
> What am I doing wrong?

The ssh connection from Gnome actually uses sftp, which is a subsystem 
of ssh.  It needs to be specifically enabled on the server you're 
connecting to.  Most sshd implementations have it enabled by default 
these days, but it's worth checking on.  On the server, look for 
/etc/sshd_config or /etc/ssh/sshd_config or similar (the location 
depends on the distro, Ubuntu has it at /etc/ssh/sshd_config).  It's 
usually at the very end of the file:

Subsystem       sftp    /usr/lib/sftp-server

Make sure that line is there and uncommented, then restart sshd if you 
had to add/enable it.  (Make sure you actually have a 
/usr/lib/sftp-server on your system of course)

Dave Miller                         
System Administrator, Mozilla Foundation
Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System

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