Gnome SSH

Sean Miller sean at
Thu Jan 6 20:34:07 UTC 2005

kloschi at wrote:

> I asked that before, but it got lost in the thread ; )
> Prblem is that nautilus ssh doesn't workfor me.
> As example. I do:
>     a) Computer -> Home Directory
>     b) File -> Connect to server
>     c) Choose ssh, type ip, type username -> Connect
>     --> an ssh-folder-icon with the ip address as name appears on the 
> Desktop
>     d) clicking on that gives me a popup which says "Opening IP. You can
>     abort that Action by pressing Cancel." (I freely translated that from
>     the German popup ; ) ) this message lasts there forever and I 
> never get
>     connected to the remote machine
> What am I doing wrong?

I do not know this, have always used the standard command line ssh? Can 
you try doing such a ssh and see if it works? Might be useful to 
determine where the problem lies...

ssh username at domain

...then type password if you get the option...


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