bootloader config

kloschi at kloschi at
Thu Jan 6 20:06:16 UTC 2005

On 6 Jan 2005, at 20:09, david wrote:

> Greetings,
> Is it possible to re-run the bootloader config utility?
> And if so what is the command to do so?

as I'm new to ubuntu also, I don't know if there is a GUI
to do so. but I'd do the job in commandline.

the bootloader itself is named grub.
get more information by typing 'man grub' in your Terminal
or console.

just start the grub console by typing 'grub'.

in the grub environment u can do alot of things but we wanna
just install grub into mbr:

first tell grub where the kernels and stuff is. usually your root
partition (note: grub uses a different numbering scheme: hda1 = hd0,0 
or if you have - your /boot partition.

grub> root (hd0,0)

(so, if you don't have a boot partition and your root partition is hda3
you would name it hd0,2 or if its hdb2 then hd1,1)

now we install grub into the mbr:

grub> setup (hd0)

done that, lets quit the grub console.
now edit /boot/grub/menu.lst. there are alot of examples in the file.
other than using lilo, you just have to install grub only once. the
changes of the menu.lst will be there on next boot.


> -- 
its better to burn out than to fade away ..
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