Upgrade to new script too?

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Thu Jan 6 08:46:09 UTC 2005

Am Donnerstag, den 06.01.2005, 11:16 +1000 schrieb Daniel Saunders:
> 'No'
> The packages only ask this question if the script has been altered
> from the installed standard.  This only occurs if the file has been
> altered by some action of mine to make my machine work.
thats not completely true, the packaging system checks for changes in
this file, but they could also have been made by a script (...of ynoter
package, from a config script that is run later etc.)

i say 'No' only if i really know i made manual changes, else i rely on
the fact that the maintainer knows what he does ;)

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