addendum to open office intrusion

Don W. Jenkins dwjenkins at
Wed Jan 5 16:38:20 UTC 2005

I'm sending this from my Mepis distro because of other problems with 
Ubuntu.  After I couldn't get the download of my Word file to work 
right, I tried to find the file on a floppy disc, which I usually carry 
as a back up measure, but Ubuntu didn't seem to want to recognize the 
file system on a Windows disc and it didn't like my suggestions.  I 
didn't have time to read the man page for mount to try and figure out 
what might please Ubuntu, so I rebooted in to something more tried and 
true.  Does Ubuntu have any sort of automount for floppies, or at least 
a handy front-end for making mounting more painless?  BTW, I did figure 
out where the problem with downloading the Word files lies--in Firefox 
itself.  I just needed to find the place to specify that I just wanted 
those files downloaded and not opened.  Not quite willing to give up on 
Ubuntu yet, because some other things are quite attractive, and some 
things that are important to me are working only on Ubuntu, like a 
console MUA.

Don J.

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