Apt Backup Question

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at canonical.com
Wed Jan 5 10:33:11 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 04:10:01PM +0100, Markus Kolb wrote:
> rodrigo ahumada wrote on Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 18:43:56 -0300:
> > >I'm backing up my apt cache and list of files in the apt repositories for 
> > >if I need to reformat my machine or install more machines. By backing up 
> > >the list of files in the repositories, is apt smart enough to figure out 
> > >that security updates have not been installed on the new machine even 
> > >through they had been installed on the old machine?
> > >
> > you mean that you install an older version but then copy new .deb packages 
> > to /var/cache/apt/archives and then run "apt-get upgrade" and apt doesn't 
> > download anything from network?
> > 
> > i did that, but before upgrade i run update to make the database up to 
> > date, only then apt look the cache to see if the packages are already 
> > downloaded...
> By "update" Rodrigo means apt-get update, I think ...
> The list of packages installed or de-installed can be saved with 
> dpkg --get-selections '*' > textfile.txt
> You should backup this listfile, too.

Thanks for this nice hints.

I would like to add that you can also save the list of installed
packages from synaptic (for people who like guis). Just click on
"File/Save Markings" and check the box "Save full state".

To install the same set of packages again just click on "File/Read
Markings" (this should also be able to read the "dpkg
--get-selections"  format, but this is not tested a lot yet).

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