smb browse to a 2k domain share sloooow

Senectus . senectus at
Wed Jan 5 07:14:55 UTC 2005

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 16:16:28 +0100, Markus Kolb <ubuntu-ml at> wrote:
> Senectus . wrote on Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 15:23:49 +0800:
> > Anyone else experiencing this?
> > I do eventually get to the share, but it takes about 8 mins to get the
> > share to let me in.
> > If I then browse a local folder and try to go back to that share it
> > takes another 8 mins or so to let me in...
> > Its crippling.
> Do you have updated your warty?
> What tool do you use to browse the shares? Nautilus is a "bit" slower
> than MS Explorer to show the files in a smb share.
> But a smbmount with the unix extensions should be fast.
Ok I've managed to improve things a little..
If I actually mount the shares locally then it seems to "cache" the
information that takes it so long to find via "browsing"
The initial loading or listing of what is in the share still takes
_AGES_ to happen.. but once its done its pretty quick to jump around

What a strange problem.. I wonder what takes it so long to list the shares?

Ubuntu Warty 4.10

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