warty-updates repository?

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at luukku.com
Tue Jan 4 19:00:48 UTC 2005

ti, 2005-01-04 kello 09:59 -0800, Matt Zimmerman kirjoitti:
> On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 01:56:36PM +0200, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> > This is the first time I hear about warty-updates repository and it's not
> > even mentioned in the Ubuntu web page (I did a search with "warty-updates"
> > and the only relevat result was Markus Hubig's repository and I guess we
> > are not talking about it). I haven't even seen it mentioned on this list
> > before (it might have passed my eyes though because of the volume of the
> > list). Downloading bug fixes sounds reasonable to me and I propably would
> > have added this repository to Synaptic long time ago if I would have known
> > about it (I was sure I already know everything I need to know about
> > repositories - in particular what are the official repositories... sigh)
> It's a bit hypothetical at this point.  There are about three packages in
> there, one of which is the updated calendar artwork.

Only three, OK. In that case I wonder if I still dare to ask what to
write to the Repositories window to make it work for me. I tried:
http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-update main restrected,
but this didn't work :-o

> It would be great to have it documented, though.
> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Archive would probably be the place.  CCing
> the doc team on this bit.
> > This makes me intrested in the way information is gatherd to and organized
> > in the Ubuntu web page. Is there, to say, a plan of what things should be
> > found there and how they should be organized. It would seem good to have a
> > way of making sure that at least things that most people would assume to
> > be found would find their way in. Wiki is a great way to enable people to
> > contribute information, but obviously having a wiki doesn't guarantee that
> > an important thing gets documented or that anyone even comes to think of
> > that it should be documented.
> This is the domain of the documentation team.  Feel free to join ubuntu-doc
> if you are interested in helping out.

I'm definitely interested in helping out. Two things make me hesitate:
the lack of time to do enough to really be helpfull and the fact that I
actually don't understand enough of anything to be able to document. On
the other hand the best way to find out would be to try :-)



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