Format CDRW disks?

Jonathan Carter jonathan at
Tue Jan 4 09:30:22 UTC 2005

Ari Torhamo wrote:

>It's great that people help and send instructions to do this in the CLI,
>but I don't know which I would hate to do more - tell a Windows user who
>I'm in a process of "converting" to Ubuntu to go back to Windows to
>blank he's/her's CD-RWs or mail him
>$ sudo umount /dev/cdrom
>$ cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=all
It's normal for your cd device to be owned by root. Generally, cdrecord 
is run with root privelages. Have you tried burning after:
$sudo chmod 4710 /usr/bin/cdrecord

That worked for me.


Jonathan Carter
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