Fwd: smb browse to a 2k domain share sloooow
Senectus .
senectus at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 08:18:56 UTC 2005
Sorry for the double post Jonathan, I miss sent it to you only.. (its
been a long day)
On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 10:02:52 +0200, Jonathan Carter
<jonathan at shuttleworthfoundation.org> wrote:
> Senectus . wrote:
> >Anyone else experiencing this?
> >I do eventually get to the share, but it takes about 8 mins to get the
> >share to let me in.
> >If I then browse a local folder and try to go back to that share it
> >takes another 8 mins or so to let me in...
> >Its crippling.
> >
> >
> What kind of sharing do you use? I had the same problem once, all I had
> to do is edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file so that:
> security = user
> is changed to:
> security = share
I have that set already, and my workgroup = thedomainname.
It seems to be directly related to the mount of files in the share,
the more there are the longer it takes.
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