latest mono packages are broken

Matthew B Philmon mattisking at
Mon Jan 3 22:55:50 UTC 2005

The mono version 1.0.4 packages have been in the Hoary repository for 
several weeks now, in an incomplete state. I'm a bit surprised that the 
packages were allowed without all packages being available. The missing 
dependency(s) are part of mcs and I don't know what's going on. I found, 
at one point, a website that tracked the Debian (Sarge) packages that 
listed the testing status of 1.0.4 and listed the problems (missing 
packages) but I didn't find the information very helpful... essentially 
just that one of the main packages didn't pass testing.

You can do several things at this point:

   1. Download 1.0.5 or 1.1.3 and build from source. I don't recommend
      this if you're a beginner as getting all the correct dependencies
      in place and built is a nightmare. If stability isn't really
      critical for what you're doing, build the 1.1.3 instead of 1.0.5
      (latest stable release) as it includes a new build process that is
      alot simpler... though still difficult if you want to get
      applications like MonoDevelop running.
   2. Uninstall Mono packages, point back to the Warty repositories
      (briefly) and reinstall Mono 1.0.1.
   3. Wait for it to be fixed... I waited a long time before trying
      something else.
   4. Use unoffical repositories... I've found these to be very
      dependable for me so far:

        # Ubuntu Backports
        deb warty-backports
        main universe
        # Ubuntu Backports Staging/Testing
        warty-backports-staging main universe

Hope this helps.


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