Linux Standard Base

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Mon Jan 3 17:08:57 UTC 2005


What's the plan för LSB support in ubuntu.  Warty has the following packages,

ii  lsb            1.3-9ubuntu7   Linux Standard Base 1.3 core support package
ii  lsb-base       1.3-9ubuntu7   Linux Standard Base 1.3 initscript functions
ii  lsb-release    1.4-7.1ubuntu3 LSB release command

yet lsb_release gives "N/A".

I'm in the situation where we have binaries that needs to run on a
number of distributions and we have taken the oldest distribution we
have as a "compile" box just because it's always worked on all
distributions.  Compiling on a newer dist sometimes gives us code that
doesn't work on an older. Mostly due to libc.

I was hoping that LSB would solve this for us, therefore, what's the
status of LSB plans for ubuntu?


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