New software idea, helping users find preferred applications.

Charley Ramm charleyramm at
Mon Jan 3 12:28:36 UTC 2005

The database could be an APT repository, filled with packages that are 
just dependencies.  For example



This would mean a centralised database too. Old versions would still get 
the latest recommendations.

This could be included in the device manager tool.  A new panel that says
'Bill recommends X software to make use of this hardware.
        *apt-cache search $hardware-name
 Brief summary of X  
        *How does synaptic do this? %
 Click here to install X
        * sudo apt-get  install thing-version-tool.deb
 Click here for other recommendations
        * % thing-version-alt.deb '

Sorry if thats a bit unintelegible. What do you think? What would be a 
better way to do it?

Presumably this would be mostly for people using the standard ubuntu 
install. I would be a bit angry if bill kept asking me to install gnome 
so I can use eog on my very important webserver.
Bill should be installed with Ubuntu-desktop or something like that.

 Charley, over and out.

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