Mozilla Thunderbird

Simon Burke simon.burke at
Sun Jan 2 10:26:11 UTC 2005

On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 09:55:33 +0000, Norman Silverstone
<norman at> wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-01-02 at 08:47 +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
> > This discussion has evolved somewhat, but to return to the original
> > point I would add my voice to those who would support a shift from
> > Evolution to Thunderbird..
> <snip>
> Having used Evolution for a few weeks now I would agree with much of
> what has already been said. It has lots of facilities which I do not
> need such as the diary, calendar, and the personal details, though
> useful, I could manage without. All I really want is to be able to
> receive and send mail much as I did with Outlook Express.
My opinion is that i feel it would be beneficial if instead being as
drastic as completely remove evolution from Ubuntu. Just to take it
out of the ubuntu-desktop meta-package. So we can safely remove it
ourselves to use something else.

Evolution is not to everyones taste, 
I personally use sylpheed its light and does the job well. Also it can
handle my gmail account (i get in excess of 100 mails per day).

I think the newer users would prefer the familurality of evolution to
say coming from outlook to having to use mutt, which is pretty scary
really, I done that myself when i got into linux (in the 90's).

Theres no place like ::1


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