New software idea, helping users find preferred applications.

Charley Ramm charleyramm at
Sat Jan 1 20:31:04 UTC 2005

 I like this. Lets do it.

1. How should it store the recommendations? Would a text file be suitable?
2. How does HAL work? Would it need to be changed, or could it be 
extended somehow from the original?
3. I have never written a useful program before. ha ha ha. But I would 
like to, and where better to start?
4. err, I'm sure there's more. Many many more.

Erik Parmann wrote:

> If you have problems understanding what I write, just ask me to 
> refraise. And if this is the wrong place to come with the idea, what 
> then is the right place? And if the idea is just idiotic, let me know.
> Comments please :P

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