Ubuntu on Mac G3 B&W not booting

Henry Keultjes hbkeultjes at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 1 14:56:36 UTC 2005

Installed this 
  one CD Debian ISO image.  It loaded and installed just fine on the very same PowerMac 
G3 B&W that I could not get Ubuntu loaded on.  Since that included the Ubuntu CD that 
was shipped to me from Switserland, I wonder if all those CD's were bad.

Henry Keultjes http://www.ncolug.org/ppc.htm
Mansfield Ohio USA

This is essentially a repeat of the message I posted on 04DEC2004 with this major

I used the UbuntuPPC CD that was mailed to me from Switserland.  The CD seems to install
fine.  It goes through the CD-eject and then reboots but stops with this message,
basically the very same message that we have received all along:

audit (3873799391.335:0):  initialized
Starting Ubuntu . . .
pivot_root : No such file or directory
/sbin/init: 429: cannot open dev/console: No such file
Kernel panic : Attempted to kill init!

That stays on the screen for perhaps three or four minutes and then the
monitor displays a "No Input Signal" and the system  reboots.  Note that the audit
number changes every time it attempts to reboot.  The reboots seem to go on
indefinitely untill I power the system down.

To be prepared for any eventualities that require making modifications to the OS, I
bought an original Apple USB floppy.

I am sincerely looking for solutions so that I can get my UbuntuPPC promotions started.
  We have another LUG meeting scheduled for 06JAN2005 and not having UbuntuPPC to demo
will be a great disappointment once again.

I hope that I can get help to resolve this soon.

Henry Keultjes http://www.ncolug.org/ppc.htm
Mansfield Ohio USA

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