
Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 11:59:00 UTC 2005

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 11:59:06 +0000, sparkes <sparkes at westmids.biz> wrote:
> `apt-cache search wxpython` will give you a nice list of packages

Thanks. Grabbed pythoncard from that. The last time I tried pythoncard
it was in pre-alpha, so I'll give it another try.

> in hoary `apt-get install wxpython2.5.3 libwxgtk2.5.3-python` should do
> the trick.  

I'm on warty, and that just gets me:
E: Couldn't find package wxpython2.5.3

> Add the lines for Universe and Multiverse in your /etc/apt/souces.list
> (instructions on the wiki) and apt-get should install workable packages
> for thousands of programs and libs.

Done already. 

> proficent in dpkg.

*definitely* doesn't describe me... :-)

> Personally I always load the glade file and use that to create the
> interface much less fuss.

Yes, I'm going to try that on my next project. 

> vi and wxGlade worked better for me) 

Just emacs and copious copying from examples in the demos worked best
for me. But I'm definitely going to further investigate using the
glade files. I didn't like boa, but I gave up on it a long time ago.
Maybe it has improved.

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