iptables on warty

Jim Cheetham jim at egressive.com
Mon Feb 28 23:10:06 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 19:20 +0300, wild madagascar wrote:
> By the way, why can I run both iptables and iptables-save on Ubuntu but
> no file is actually really save? Curiosity.

Because iptables-save does not know where you want to be saving the
file. Instead, it produces the file on the standard output - it is up to
you to redirect the results into a suitable file.

A common place is /var/lib/iptables/active, so you should run
$ sudo iptables-save > /var/lib/iptables/active

-jim cheetham = jim at egressive dot com
www.egressive.com, www.effusiongroup.com

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