
Egon Bianchet egon.bianchet at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 22:16:54 UTC 2005

Il giorno lun, 28-02-2005 alle 22:58 +0100, Alf-Ivar Holm ha scritto:
>Egon Bianchet <egon.bianchet at gmail.com> writes:
>> Il giorno lun, 28-02-2005 alle 17:15 +0100, Alf-Ivar Holm ha scritto:
>>>I did wonder about doing the same thing as I was not able to
>>>maximise/demaximise a window horizontally or vertically in Gnome
>> With metacity you can do this, but only with a keyboard shortcut. 
>Which was what I tried.  I managed to get maximise in one direction,
>but not demaximise.  I'll try again tomorrow on the newly installed
>Hoary and see if things have improved.  (I'm using Cygwin now.)

Thing's haven't improved :-(

But you could really try xfce4 ... you get vertical & horizontal
maximization, sticky borders and more. It's gtk2 based and has a nice
control panel, so it's easier than fvwm2

Egon Bianchet

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