Errors while compiling mplayer

p!=f ulist at
Mon Feb 28 22:20:15 UTC 2005

BMWolf Wrote: 
> thanks, that was it. i was missing "libxxf86vm-dev". everything works as
> it should. could you disect your compile command. it looks quite
> different than the one in the debian readme for mplayer. i understand
> the "--enable-menu" and stuff but they recommend something like:
> "eyck at ghost$ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable-streaming" fakeroot
> debian/rules binary". 
> yours is in a completely different order. reasons?
> just curious!
> thanks again!
It doesn't matter if you specify compile options using the
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS variable or if you directly edit the debian/rules
file. The result will be same.
I use bash-completion to see available options. :)

  [~/src/mplayer-1.0pre6a] > ./configure --
  Display all 176 possibilities? (y or n)
  --as                            --disable-real                  --enable-joystick               --enable-zr
  --bindir                        --disable-rtc                   --enable-jpeg                   --enable-3dfx
  --cc                            --disable-select                --enable-largefiles             --enable-3dnow
  --confdir                       --disable-setlocale             --enable-libdts                 --enable-3dnowex
  --datadir                       --disable-sgiaudio              --enable-libfame                --host-cc
  --disable-alsa                  --disable-sighandler            --enable-liblzo                 --install-path
  --disable-arts                  --disable-sortsub               --enable-linux-devfs            --language
  --disable-cdparanoia            --disable-sunaudio              --enable-lirc                   --libdir
  --disable-divx4linux            --disable-tga                   --enable-lircc                  --mandir
  --disable-dshow                 --disable-toolame               --enable-live                   --prefix
  --disable-dvdread               --disable-tv                    --enable-macosx-finder-support  --target
  [cut to safe space]


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