iptables on warty

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at web.de
Mon Feb 28 05:42:55 UTC 2005

I didn't put my firewall script in /etc/init.d. Instead I have my 
firewall-script in /etc/fw (random) and created a link in the /etc/rc2.d 

$ ln -s /etc/fw/fw_script /etc/rc2.d/S08fw

My script is written in bash and basically only contains the iptables 
command lines, eg. iptables -A INPUT -p TCP [...] -j ACCEPT and so on..


Kirtis Bakalarczyk wrote:
> I just created a script in /etc/init.d for it called iptables, then
> set it to start automatically.  You accomplish that by creating a link
> in /etc/rc2.d/ called something like S00iptables.  I'm assuming you
> want the firewall to start before everything else (so that your
> services aren't exposed before it starts), which is what the two zeros
> are for.
> You can look at /etc/init.d/skeleton for the format of the init.d
> files, and i included mine as a sample.
> HTH,
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 23:43:00 +0300, wild madagascar <wildmad at blueline.mg> wrote:
>>Until about a couple of months ago I still run Fedora Core 2. Since then
>>I moved on to Ubuntu and I quite like it. I do nevertheless have a
>>problem setting up a firewall. I actually am running firestarter which
>>is great but i would prefer it to be the traditional way with an
>>iptables config file.... Not everybody in my office can indeed
>>understand they first have to run firestarter prior to being able to
>>send any mail out.... Is it possible config an iptables file and if so
>>how can I do it?
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