Newbie help

-void- digitalvoid at
Sun Feb 27 01:48:32 UTC 2005

So when you get back from your ride you just turn the key and step off the bike?

Something tells me you first bring it to a complete stop and you also
put the kickstand down or whatever you use to keep the bike from
pitching to the ground on its side.

But maybe I'm wrong and it is just as simple as that... "I'm home!",
turn key, step from bike.  ;)

As for the wintel world... there is no telling what kind of computer
every user has and how each of those computers is configured.  When
coming up with a policy for telling users how to "shutdown" telling
them to "hit the switch" could lead to some bad results.

What if they hit the switch on the back of the unit on the power
supply?  Or perhaps they have all their stuff on a power strip so they
can "turn everything off" in one shot.  "yep, done reading this
email... lemme just turn off my 'puter.  Hmmm I hope that defrag thing
wasn't important".

Unfortunately we often have to account for the lowest common
denominator so it's best to tell users as a rule to "issue a shutdown"
to their computer and let it do it's thing as compared to "sure, just
hit the switch, assuming you are on current hardware, with your BIOS
and OS setup right, and you are hitting that switch but not the others
which would also turn it off but they wouldn't do it right".

I feel your pain though... "start->shutdown" or "shutdown now" was
really becoming quite a chore and I wasn't sure how much longer I
could stand it either. ;)


P.S. Don't take me seriously at all.  =)

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 18:44:06 +0100, Thomas Kaiser
<thomas at> wrote:
> I did rise this question, because we were told to never use the
> powerswitch to turn off the computer (in the windows days long time
> ago). So, you have to go to "start->shutdown" (or whatever it is
> called). But don't touch the powerswitch!!
> I know these days it is possible to cleanly shutdown the computer with
> hitting the powerswitch (thanks to ACPI). But why did it last so long in
> the INTEL word to have this (I don't wonna say feature, it's a must).
> If I go for a ride with my bike, I turn the key to start up the engine.
> After I am back from my ride I go to "start->shutdown" on the nice
> TFT-panel on my bike???? No, I just turn the key.
> So, If I turn on a device with the powerswitch it should not harm the
> device if I turn it off with the powerswitch!
> I know Ubuntu does it that way what I like. But if you out there use
> something other than Ubuntu, and you CANNOT just hit the powersitch to
> shutdown your box without harm the system. Tell it to your OS maker or
> hardware maker!
> In my opinion, I don't care if the OS has to save some data from RAM to
> disk or whatever it has to do. If I am finished with working, It should
> be possible to just hit the powerswitch and walk away. The system has to
> care about whatever it has to do NOT the user, start->shutdown and wait!
> PS: Don't take my opinion too serious.
> Thomas
> Thomas Kaiser wrote:
> > Why is it not possible to shut down the computer with the power switch?
> >
> > My coffee machine has a power switch I press there to turn it on and I
> > press on the same switch to turn it off again. Shouldn't it be the same
> > with a computer? As far as I remember, on a Sun workstation you can just
> > press the power switch to shutdown the workstation. It is also possible
> > with with windowz XP. Just press the powerswitch and windowz XP will
> > shut down. How about Ubuntu? Can I just press the powerswitch and Ubuntu
> > shuts down cleanlly?
> >
> > Thomas
> >
> > squareyes wrote:
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>  I live in a small town, and seem to be spending a lot of time helping
> >> new Windows users. The week before last a fellow came to me asking for
> >> help, his machine took for ever to start up. I went round and he had
> >> been switching off at the power when he was finished, and it was running
> >> a scandisk on a 160gig drive every time he switched on. I asked why and
> >> he said the on/off switch didn't work when he pressed it(needs to be
> >> held in for a few seconds for forced shutdown). I explained he needed to
> >> shutdown correctly, no one had told him.
> >>
> >> With the above in mind and being a newbie myself to Ubuntu,I have
> >> started making up a newbies help html, in the same style as the
> >> unofficial guide(different background color), so they match, and would
> >> appreciate any suggestions. I want to make it that simple that anyone
> >> who has not even seen a computer before could use it, so am including
> >> very basic screen shots.
> >> Would be happy to hear any suggestions on/off list, and can send what I
> >> have done so far minus the screen shots to anyone interested.
> >> Thanks.
> >> Take Care
> >> Winton
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
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> ubuntu-users at

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