usbdisk icons on desktop in Hoary

Mark Cooke markcooke.interweb at
Fri Feb 25 13:49:58 UTC 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 10:57:41 +0000, Thomas Beckett
<thomas.beckett at> wrote:
> Any idea wehen this fix was done?
> I updated everything last light (about 7pm UTC) and the 2.6.10-4
> kernel then hard locked my entire system just as gnome loaded. 

Same here, I had to boot into single user mode, but no desktop *this
is the second time it's happened).

> the inotify boot option in solved it, but then you get none of the
> inotify stuff.

will give this a try.

I do agree the one of the original posts, in that the automounting is
still very flaky, one minute it will automount my cdrom/flash reader
etc.., and display the icon on the desktop, the next it refuses to
display it and somethimnes not even mount it.


A fool lies awake at nights, worrying of this and that;
weary is he when morning brea, and all remains as before.

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