Can not run Alexandria on Hoary!

Daniel Holbach dh at
Fri Feb 25 10:13:52 UTC 2005

Hi Bengt,

as I see it, libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby (at least in Hoary) is broken. I tried
a newer version of it (Debian 0.11.0-3), but still the same as in

It would be cool, if some ruby king had a look at it to fix it for
Hoary, atm libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby just installs files
to /usr/share/doc/libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby/

I'll try to get in touch with Debian's ruby guys.

Have a nice day,

Am Freitag, den 25.02.2005, 15:14 +0900 schrieb Bengt Thuree:
>I have tried to install the Gnome database software for keeping tracks of
>your books, and met some problems.
>Installing works fine, but not running.
>Have anyone managed to get it to run, or do I have to use the equvivalent
>to SID.

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