How to copy packages...

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Thu Feb 24 18:44:49 UTC 2005

There is no differens between rpm and deb when it comes to this.  The
only differens is how people package it.  Some ppl int the rpm world
like to create a few large rpm's while in the debian world smaller
packages are more common, since dependencies are normally not a
problem due to apt...

But, if you like to install debs manually it's "sudo dpkg -i file.deb".


On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:29:37 +0100, Andrea Giuliano
<a.giuliano at> wrote:
> Sorry, this is probably a most stupid question!
> I'm not very familiar to Debian packages, so I'm wondering how can one
> copy a package just as I do under Fedora or RPM-based systems.
> An RPM file contains all files needed by an application or whatever, but
> I guess DEB packages are different. At least, I see that a quite big
> application like GCompris has a rather big (several Mbs) RPM file, while
> the corresponding DEB package is just 230K long.
> I guess that if I just copied the latter on a floppy and bring it home,
> I would not get GCompris installed at all.
> Since I have to installa GCompris on a PC without net card, nor modem, I
> cannot use apt-get as usual.
> How else can I do?
> Many thanks in advance.
> --
> Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D.
> ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico
> Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY
> Tel. +39064989509, Fax +39064059302
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