[Hoary] Upgrade notes

Baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Feb 24 02:45:18 UTC 2005

On 23/2/05 11:36 pm, "Jezze" <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> wrote:

> Ive used hoary for a few days and today i did a dist-upgrade and it
> screw the whole system up.. couldnt enter gnome because it just
> freezed... thats not nice... tried to reinstall ubuntu from scratch but
> it didnt help so now im forced to use warty until they have found out
> what the problem is... darn...

Over the weekend I had a go at upgrading via the array5 iso. This did not
work because xorg didn't detect my monitor correctly (DELL E172FP),
resulting in no x11. No amount of fafing with xorg.conf and xorgconfig would
fix it. So tonight I had a go at upgrading by changing the repositories to
hoary. This too failed on xorg not working. My monitor only saying, 'can not
display this video mode'.

At the moment I'm re-installing Warty because I love the debian done right
of Ubuntu. I'm not sure where this leaves me come April, if Hoary won't
detect my monitor settings I'm not sure what to do. FC3, which uses xorg,
did work...


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