Slow boot waiting for eth0?

Graham Fawcett graham.fawcett at
Wed Feb 23 17:40:39 UTC 2005

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 11:25:33 -0500, eblack <black.eric at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 10:30 -0500, Graham Fawcett wrote:
> > When I boot Ubuntu Hoary on my Dell Inspiron 8200, and I'm not
> > connected to the LAN, the boot is delayed for a few minutes as it
> > tries to bring up the eth0 interface. Frequently, I *am* connected to
> > our LAN when booting; but when I'm not, the very long delay is
> > frustrating.
> >
> Yes it's very frustrating, especially if you use a wireless with
> different access points or an ethernet connection not always connected
> > What's the correct way to reduce the time spent blocking for an eth0
> > connection during boot?
> >
> What I did is to shut off the autoconnect at boot time and run 'sudo
> ifup eth0' from the shell after startup.

That's pretty much what I was doing; I was just having trouble finding
the autoconnect=off setting.  If I'm reading stuff right, it looks
like hotplug is bringing eth0 up, based on the "map eth0" line in
/etc/network/interfaces. I might try commenting that out some time.

I move between distros (and Gnome/KDE) frequently enough that I
maintain my own mostly-portable ifup/route scripts ("athome",
"atwork", "wlan_any", etc) and avoid the configuration GUIs of the

For what I needed, Jonathan's Control-C suggestion is Good Enough for
Today. ;-) Thanks to you both for your responses!

Best wishes,

-- Graham

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