Slow boot waiting for eth0?

Jonathan McLoughlin cjm at
Wed Feb 23 16:14:34 UTC 2005

At what point in the boot does this delay occur, i believe you are being 
delayed at the sync'ing stage where it attempts to sync the system clock 
to ubuntu ntp. At this stage a CTRL+C can stop this attempt and booting 
continues as normal

Graham Fawcett wrote:

> When I boot Ubuntu Hoary on my Dell Inspiron 8200, and I'm not
> connected to the LAN, the boot is delayed for a few minutes as it
> tries to bring up the eth0 interface. Frequently, I *am* connected to
> our LAN when booting; but when I'm not, the very long delay is
> frustrating.
> What's the correct way to reduce the time spent blocking for an eth0
> connection during boot?
> Thanks to the Ubuntu team for a great Linux distribution.
> -- Graham
> Graham Fawcett
> University of Windsor
> Windsor, Ontario, Canada
> -- 
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