screen resolution on hp pavilion zd7000

Adam Membrey membreya at
Wed Feb 23 12:07:44 UTC 2005

wildmad at wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 22:10 +1100, Adam Membrey wrote:
>>    I was asking what architecture you ran..and you answered it :)
>>only reason I asked was becaused I run an amd64 and they're slightly 
>>smarter.. I disable my horizontal and vertical refresh in the xorg.conf 
>>and it gives me all available resolutions
>thanks Adam, will try that... With the time I am spending restarting
>again and again trying different options I suppose I can try that
>too???? Will let you know. I ain't gonna do that right now as I need
>things to be done but will let you know.
No need to reboot if that's what you're doing...

just doing a CTRL+ALT+BACKSPCE

Or you can press CTRL+ALT+F1 login and type /etc/init.d/gdm restart :)

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