Totem starts after boot/reboot with DVD in drive, BUG?

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at
Wed Feb 23 03:39:08 UTC 2005

Your right... stop being lazy and/or forgetful and take the disc out
of the drive ;)! Its bad for the disc anyway!


(not to copy or be like Apple or M$) Mac OS X and Windows both work
this way. They don't start playing the DVD if it happens to be in the
drive when the system starts. It only plays DVD's that are inserted
"after" the desktop environment has already been started. <b>This is
what users expect.</b>

User friendliness in mind, people forget to do things sometimes. And
it can be an annoyance to have the DVD start playing when the user is
not expecting that to happen, albeit the users own fault.

Just my 2 cents :)



On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 04:12:00 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez
<vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:
> >5) The next time I start my computer, with the DVD still in the drive,
> >I log into Gnome and after a delay of about 1 min, totem starts up
> Well, when Gnome has finished loading, it eventually finds the disc and
> mounts it, isn't that great ?
> >how this should work?
> Sounds perfectly normal to me :o)
> >Is there a way to stop this from happening OTHER
> >then turning off this feature in the Removeable Storage pref.
> Well, if you don't wnat to play a movie, just don't let the disc in the
> drive ! It makes sense that if you put a disc in a drive, you want to
> read it, and Gnome is very friendly, so it mounts it, lovely Gnome :o)
> Imagine, if you put a live CD in your drive and rebooted, Ubuntu would
> never boot on it, thinking "When Matt puts disc in the drive, he doesn't
> actually want to read it, so I will just boot from the hard drive as
> normal then..." ;o)
> Honnestly, I can't see any good reason to leave a CD in the drive if you
> don't intend to use it. Either you want to use a disc and put it in the
> drive, and remove it when you have finished using it, or you let the
> disc in its protective case. The drive is not meant to be used as a
> case...
> Sorry, just MHO, probably not what you wanted to hear ?! ;o)
> Vince, left a DVD in the drive for hours once, was so hot when I took it
> out the drive, that it was near the melting point and would not read
> anymore until cooled down for hours -> never again :-/ either use it or
> remove it...
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