Trouble with quickcam express and inserting the module

Adam Membrey membreya at
Tue Feb 22 07:08:14 UTC 2005

Bob Nielsen wrote:

>On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 05:41:21PM +1100, Adam Membrey wrote:
>>I've downloading the qc-usb-0.6.2 and I've compiled the module with make 
>>I've then tried to sudo insmod quickcam.o and it says invalid module format.
>>Looking at dmesg it says "no module found in object"
>>Anyone have any suggestions or work arounds?
>The syntax would be 'insmod quickcam' or 'modprobe quickcam' (without 
>the .o or .ko).
Well I'm managed to successfully do an insmod of the quickcam.ko and it 
detects the hardware there anything I need to do after this ? 
specifically loading it at boot

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