Finding Nautilus - newbie

Nathan Howell nathan at
Mon Feb 21 22:54:07 UTC 2005

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 11:20:16 +1300, Lindsay wrote:

> Followed that OK. THanks.   But still haven't achieved getting Nautilus
> from short-cut Ctril+l

I wouldn't say using ctrl-l is a typical way to open a folder if you don't
already have one open, but here goes anyway...

Ctrl-l is a shortcut that only works within Nautilus. Now, even if you
don't have any folder windows open, you are still running Nautilus (as
long as you're running Gnome, anyway), since Nautilus is what controls
your wallpaper and desktop icons. Just like any other program, it has to
be focused, or selected, in order for you to do anything with it. So just
like you would click on a window or its title bar in order to work with
it, you have to click on the desktop (anywhere that isn't a panel or an
icon) in order to work with it. Once you've focused the desktop, you can
press ctrl-l to get the dialog where you type in a path for Nautilus to
open. Does that help?


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