aMule with GTK2

crimsun at crimsun at
Mon Feb 21 06:56:28 UTC 2005

On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 11:37:14PM -0500, celloandy wrote:
> While I'm flattered that you'd consider me for MOTU, I really don't
> think I'm qualified.  All I did was to grab the sources from Debian
> Unstable and build them, as described above.  I don't really have much
> knowledge of package construction/maintenance beyond running
> dpkg-source and dpkg-buildpackage.  If you want diffs, I can provide
> them, but all I really did was just to build the Debian Unstable
> packages right out of the repository.  I didn't modify anything.


If you're willing to invest a bit of time in brushing up your deb-
building skills with the understanding that you will, in turn, mentor
prospective MOTUs, drop by #ubuntu-motu on and speak
to someone in the channel. All of us started sometime, somewhere, and
now is a _great_ time to get involved.

If, however, it seems a bit overwhelming, feel free to come and hang
out anyway. The learning curve isn't at all steep.

In any case, yes, a url to the .diff.gzs would be most helpful.


Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at
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