Evolution : can it check web based accounts ??

Adam Membrey membreya at optusnet.com.au
Mon Feb 21 03:32:23 UTC 2005

Adam Membrey wrote:

> David M. Carney wrote:
>> On Sun, 2005-02-20 at 23:54 +0100, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>>> After I told you about hotway, I realized I hadn't set it up yet on 
>>>> this
>>>> computer.
>>>> Took about 10 minutes to do.
>>> Oh great, you can give the step by step procedure then ?! :o)
>>> Off-list if you like...
>>> Vince, really must go to bed now....
>> <snicker!>
>> This what I did on my Hoary i386 box (which is using inetd instead of
>> xineted) to get hotway up:
>> 1. sudo apt-get hotway
>> 2. add the following line to the file called /etc/inetd.conf:
>>     pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd hotwayd
>> 3. Make sure you have the following line in /etc/services, if it's
>>   missing you need to add it.
>>     pop3 110/tcp (it was there on my Hoary box)
>> 4. sudo killall -HUP inetd
>> 5. You need to ensure that connections to the pop3 server are not
>> blocked. To do this add the following line to your /etc/hosts.allow file
>>     hotwayd :
>> 6. Test it by telnetting into your machine like this:
>> telnet 110
>> You should see something like:
>> david at n1zhe:~$ telnet 110
>> Trying
>> Connected to
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> +OK POP3 hotwayd v0.8 -> The POP3-HTTPMail Gateway. Server on n1zhe.org
>> active.
>> 7. Setup your favorite mail client to use your newly installed server.
>> You should give the POP-3 server address as either "",
>> "localhost.localdomain" or the name of your machine. The port number
>> depends on what you entered in the /etc/services file. Use the username
>> (with @hotmail.com, @lycos.co.uk or @msn.com for the latest version of
>> hotwayd) and password that you normally use when accessing your email
>> via the respective web interface. (I used
>> 8. Done! Now enjoy your newly installed POP3-HTTPMail gateway!
>> David
> hmmm I followed your instructions to the tee David and it came back to 
> me saying my password was wrong, even though when I log in using the 
> web interface it's right... :\
Nevermind, I solved my own problem.  I'm running an AMD64 and they have 
an md5 problem with the version of hotwayd that's on the repo's.  I just 
went to http://hotwayd.sourceforge.net/news.php and downloaded the 
source and compiled it myself, all working beautifully!

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