[Hoary] Repositories window unavailable after doing a system upgrade

P Jones deerfieldtech at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 22:38:45 UTC 2005

> >> Same here, just updated, and Repository Dialog is broken.
> >Bugzilla'd this one at https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=6768
> Great! I was thinking of doing it myself, but felt uncertain if I should
> do it or not. It would be good to have some kind of guidline for this:
> what kind of things to report and when - is it better to send to the
> list first, or send to bugzilla right a way. On the other hand it may be
> difficult to give any universally applicable instructions about this.
> Ari

Hi Ari;

I'm not sure there is a strict policy, but what I do is this; when I
think I've found a bug, I try to fix it first, or at least determine
that something is broken. I check bugzilla, then post to the list if
nothing is there, and if there is some activity on the list that
confirms that the probelm is a bug I'll report it to bugzilla.

It has happened occasionally that a workaround to a problem appears on
the list or in bugzilla, and then I'll post to workaround to the other
place, to tie the two together. In a way, bugzilla is a kind of
knowledge base.

I'm assuming the developers are monitoring bugzilla more closely than
they are the list, but I don't want to fill bugzilla with redundant or
useless information, so I think posting to the appropriate list before
reporting to bugzilla is important.


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