Hoary - media players - various issues

M Galvin mgalvin at nycap.rr.com
Sun Feb 20 20:38:20 UTC 2005

It seems that none of the media player can play anything when i run them
from the Application menu. When running xmms from the App menu it just
hangs all the time. If I run xmms from the command line it "usually"
works, but not always.

When running totem I get the following error:

	Totem could not play file:///.../lugradio-s289....ogg
	Could not open resource for writing

And i get the same: "Could not open resource for writing" when trying to
use rhythmbox

So i can effectively not play any music or listen to lug interview
Mark :(.

Although I did manually build MPlayer (latest from CVS) (into /usr/local
to keep hoary clean) and that is working ok to play dvd's and such
although that's not mixing the sound, but that's a separate problem.

I am running a fresh Hoary Array-5 on a P4 with AC'97 audio. Is anybody
having these issues?


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