Bugzilla : what's the package name for the volume mixer ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sun Feb 20 17:52:10 UTC 2005

>apt-file is your friend here.  You may have to apt-get install
>apt-file first, and then do apt-file update... but it's a valuable
>tool for finding what package a file is in.
>ryan at workstati0n:~ $ apt-file search gnome-volume-control
>gnome-media: usr/bin/gnome-volume-control
>That result set means that it's part of the gnome-media package.  Hope
>that helps.

Thanks Ryan ! :-)

Will file the bug as soon as I can.  Ubuntu server seems unavailable,
ubuntu.bugzilla doesn't load, and apt-get can't connect to the server
either, so can't install apt-file.
I guess there must be too many millions of people trying to download
Ubuntu at the same time !! ;o)  Victim of it's success in a way...


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