[Hoary] menu icons

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sun Feb 20 14:50:29 UTC 2005

>You didn't reboot did you?

Well no, I would not reboot just for that. Actually I turned the machine
off last night before going to bed, and when I turned it on again this
morning, the menu was up to date...

>Besides, as GilGalad pointed out, there might be even
>easier ways to regenerate the menues, just killing and relaunching the
>panel and even requiring a logout.

Yes, just tried it works very well. That's a good workaround until they
get round to putting things straight, hopefully real soon (release in  
2 weeks ! )

Oh boy, Evolution drives me real mad now, it's near impossible to answer
text mails properly, inserting/deleting lines just doesn't work !!!
GRRRRRR !!! :-/


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