[Hoary] Missing icons

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 13:23:23 UTC 2005

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 07:41:26 +0200, Ari Torhamo <ari.torhamo at saunalahti> wrote:
> On la, 2005-02-19 at 23:40 -0500, Eric Dunbar wrote:
> >I've been running Hoary since early December, updated regularly using
> >Synaptic until January and now via "sudo apt-get update && sudo
> >apt-get -y dist-upgrade".
> >
> >About two weeks ago (perhaps more?) I lost a significant % of the
> >icons on my desktop, from the "Applications, Places and System" menus,
> >from Nautilus, Evolution and from FireFox (missing the "new tab"
> >icon).
> >
> >In the apps the icons have been replaced by a generic icon, and the
> >icons in the menu are simply just missing.
> >
> >I can regain some icons in Nautilus by changing the themes (e.g. get
> >trash can back, or folder icon, or both).
> The same thing happened to me. Changing the theme helped me to get the
> folder and file icons back. I was using the theme "Mist" when Gnome
> started loading those generic icons. Then I noticed that the theme
> "Mist" isn't present anymore on the list of available themes and this
> propably caused the icon problem. But you said that you already changed
> the theme and the problem still partly exists?

Hmm. I guess it's a theme problem!

The only way I can regain a full icon set is (in Theme Prefs) to go to
Theme Details, Icons tab and select Human (a horrible, gaudy set :(.
There are others but they range from no icons to only icons for
folders and/or trash (GNOME, Hicolor, Sandy, Smokey-Blue, Smokey-Red).

I guess I'll have to experiment with re-installing/installing extra
themes. apt-get remove/install Nautiuls didn't pull down any new
themes (I figured it may have some suggested dependencies in that


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