sound in hoary

Simon Santoro Simon.Santoro at
Sat Feb 19 15:23:44 UTC 2005

Daniel Taylor wrote:
> Simon Santoro wrote:
>> so how is sound now supposed to work with hoary and polypaudio? if I
>> enable esd, theother apps don't work, and if I don't enable it, I can't
>> hear the gnome sounds but games and other apps work fine. what should I
>> select under gstreamer-properties? I would like to have sound just 
>> working.
> I see alot of people complaining about bugs with polypaudio 
i'm not really complaining. i just don't know how it is supposed to work.

> but for me 
> it's a godsend. (just to add the other side of the argument here)
can you point me to a doc or something that explains how it is 
implemented in ubuntu or with gnome in general?

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